Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hello? Is anybody home (still)?

(I wonder if anyone would still be reading this diary)
Photos from expo

It's a pity that the expo was only there for 3 days (2 days of real exhibition time, to be exact) I really wanted it to stay longer. It is interesting to see how different the approaches are from different group. I guess we all enjoyed the trip and the setting up process.

...though I also think a lot of us are confused about the design studio that is following the Urban Body part....

Sunday, March 30, 2008

...but why? (please just let me grumble a bit and bear with me for a while)

Currently feeling a bit disgruntled and pointless. Have been working throughout the weekend for the exhibition. But why? Just for the sake of exhibition? Or is there something more?

Same with the blog and storyboard. The things written were very brief. The way people work for the storyboard is so different and incomparable. Using the same format seems meaningless now, isn't it?

Well I don't want to whine here like a baby. Just a bit fed up with the work and perhaps a bit frustrated due to the torture of a light diarrhoea and sore throat. It is strange that I only get the diarrhoea when I came back to the Netherlands. My friend said it is because of my decline in immunal defence and my decrease in will power and stamina to fight against any germs and bacteria.

Please let me stay healthy until the presentation. Ah, perhaps over the weekend because I still want to go to AW's Indian Reunion Party.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Give and Take

There is a Chinese saying that being able to give is more blessed than taking. “施比受更有福”

How willing and readily are we to “give” in Dharavi, in Mumbai? For me, I feel that I am taking too much from the neighbourhood. All these help, all these nice people, all these friendly faces. By intruding into their community, walking through, asking questions, we are doing nothing but quenching information from the locals. Sometimes I feel like I owe them something and I wanted to give something back. I don’t want to play Robin Hood or anything. The people in Dharavi are satisfied and contented with what they have.

In terms of happiness, who are the “have-s” and who are the “have not-s”?

Now I really sound like a social worker……

50 Happy Angels

Me and My Home in Dharavi

A low-tech multi-media creative artwork competition
40 out of 50 responded, all made with a lot of effort.
Genuineness and authenticity is the most precious, also their uncorrupted minds.
I am simply touched by all these sincere smiley faces. They are all angels.

Unity in Complexity-- Social Nagar

“SOCIAL” suggest PROGRESSION. These people are also achievers, even though they are always happy and contented because of what they have.

It is amazing that so many different things can coexist in such a small community. Religion, industrial, place of origin.
It is also interesting to note the complexity of the subdivided Social Nagar, and of course to see the structure and social organization from within.

“We are all one.” Waqar Khan’s campaign in promoting unity among different religion.

Interviewing people and walking through the spaces, making checklists: economy, checked; demography, checked; history, checked; social structure, checked.

Alright. Now we have this abundant information.
Although we are collecting information from locals, a very bottom-up approach, I still feel that I have a very top-down perspective.

“Surveying is also an important part of cartography.” I keep reminding myself whenever I feel doubtful of what I am actually trying to do.

MG Road

Study of street perspective by photography
Study of street by garbage photography

In and Out

In and out. In and out. In and out. In and out……..

The amazingly different microclimate inside and outside of the slum can really stimulate our senses. It is strange that we actually enjoy staying inside those small alleys that creeps among the massive slum area. They are cooler, better shaded and have more stories to tell

Crossing the slums is just like walking inside a big labyrinth. It is amazing how people can remember all these narrow routes and pathways. It is hard to keep myself oriented.

These crowds of people that are following us!! Are we studying them or are we being studied?